Mark started playing drums at age 15 and is
self-taught. He played His first gig with the Al Lucky Band at the age of 16. He played at the Rendezvous Lounge in Dracut
Massachusetts with the Al Lucky Band every Friday and Saturday night for three years from 1993-1996. At the same time, Mark
was in a heavy metal band called Brimstone with some high school friends.
Since leaving the Al Lucky Band in 1997,
Mark has played with Ray Fredricks and the Country Express Band, The Cannonball Express Band, Bobby Rich & Company, The
Time Travelers, and the Saltwater Cowboys. He has backed up Fred Gentry, Ronnie Jay, Bob Greenwood, Frankie Silva, and Don
Nocash. Mark can also play Rhythm Guitar as well as Bass Guitar.
In July 1999, Mark joined the Win Place and Show
Band. He is the youngest member of the band.